Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"Stimpy's Fanclub" Ren's Facial Expressions

One of my favorite episodes from"Ren and Stimpy" series is called "Stimpy's fanclub". It tells the story about how Stimpy gets more fan mail and is more popular than Ren. To make Ren feel better about himself, Stimpy offers him the job of being the president of his fanclub. Of course that becomes a huge mistake. Ren becomes full of himself and then insanely jealous of Stimpy even more. This causes thoughts of murder.

Yea...I know, it's a kid show right?(One of the things I loved about this show was that it was for everyone to enjoy)
Anyway, I loved it! Such a great script and in this particular episode, John Kricfalusi really showcased these characters personality traits. Also adding a dark comedy element which was rarely seen in early 90's children's tv.

So getting to the point, there's a scene where Ren is already disturbed and does this whole monologue while Stimpy is sound asleep. Creepy, dark,  and insanely good. I loved how John purposely changed Ren's facial structure, expressions, and body type. Everything is over-exaggerated, twisted, and weird. It matches whats going on in Ren's head at that moment. This scene to me is still BRILLIANT. Makes an animator swoon.

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