Thursday, November 25, 2010

Golden Boy, one of my favorite Anime's and all it's pervy glory

Golden Boy is one of my favorite Animation's from Japan. Why? Well that's easy. They writing for the show is amazingly perverted but well done. I'm not the kind of girl to go for perverted comedy's but Golden Boy was well done that I can't pen point the appeal out exactly. You would think only men would watch this show, but a lot of females including myself get a kick out of it.

Manga Created by Tatsuya Egawa
Animated by Production I.G 

Kintaro Oe is a 25 year-old guy who dropped out of college. His specialties are daydreaming, part-time jobs and - naturally - pretty girls. He roams the land on his trusted pink bike, happily living his life.

Each episode follows the same plan. Kintaro finds a job somewhere. Usually, his boss is a beautiful woman who doesn't care what he does, especially when he starts to act silly.

Basically...he ends up in perverted situations, lusting over pretty women he meets, but he always saves the day in bad situations and learning life's lessons. Sounds ridiculous huh? Watch it. It's really good. Only 6 episodes. The last episode is my favorite. He works for an Animation studio and its soooo cool.

Also the facial expressions in this Anime gets me everytime. They're strange, hilarious, random, exaggerated, dumb, and down right genius. You can get a since of hilarity and crudness in the main character Kintaro. His facial expressions are different each time and even gets more exaggerated as an episode goes on.

This art technique reminds of John K. The creator of the "Ren and Stimpy" series. He had a thing where each scene, shot or whatever had to be a different look, a different drawing for the characters face. Especially for Ren. You know what, I like that moto. I mean it keeps you as a viewer interested and laughing for more. The animation will never get boring. I just love all teh expressions. I would like to share them with you, hehe.

The Animation quality is Good! I love it. Usually people sneer Anime for limited frames, BUT Golden Boy is not limited. It is well Animated and I think it's because they were doing only 6 episodes, and not 100 + like a typical Bleach Anime.  They really took their time with it and crafted a really good Sex comedy. Here's a preview of an episode below. If you can, please watch the whole series. There's a boxset and all the episodes are on youtube. Enjoy! It's hilarious! Man, those facial expressions, lol.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, the animation episode was the best! haha
